24 BEFORE 24

These are 24 things I want to do before I turn 24.


1. Learn to do a back handspring.
Oh this has been on my list for far too long, and every time I have the opportunity to learn, I make up some excuse which really means I just can't be bothered or I'm too embarrassed to take a gymnastics class. No more. I. AM. GOING. TO. DO. THIS. I learned a few years ago on a trampoline and never mastered it on the ground without landing on my head, so it's my goal to not land on my head anymore.

2. Take a holiday.
This is a cheat one because I know I get to cross it off in two weeks! It also crosses off my life-long goal of being a backpacker because I am going to stay in a hostel! :)

3. Do a green overhang at work.
My next step up in climbing.

4. Do a red climb at work.
The next level up in climbing.

5. Learn to lead climb.

6. Go outdoor climbing.

7. Go surfing.

8. Go ice-skating.

9. Ride a motorbike/quad bike/jet ski.

10. Go camping.

11. Ride a horse.
I miss having horses around. I miss the country!

12. Decide where I'm going to live.
In May I find out if I get a green card or not. If I do, I get to move to America in 2013. If not, I'll go somewhere else. :)

13. Go to Wet n Wild or White Water World.
I love water theme parks. I don't like other theme parks because I don't like rollercoasters or anything like that, but I love water slides!

14. Buy a new camera.
Mine is slowly dying. :(

15. Make "thank you" gifts for clients.
That's right! If you hire me to take your photos, I will make you a present! I also want to make my packaging prettier, more personal, and more professional, get some business cards, work on a brand, etc.

16. Make beignets.
I just looked up a recipe. I've been wanting to try them since watching The Princess and the Frog.

17. Go swimming in the Mt Glorious waterfalls.
Soon! :)

18. Shoot a gun.
Haven't done this in 3 years!

19. Donate blood.

20. Go see a drive-in movie.

21. Go on a picnic. And again!

22. See a musical.

23. Go to a different state.

24. Photographically document these things as they happen on my blog.
I need to blog more.


Let me know in the comments if you decide to do a list too! I'd love to hear it! :)


  1. Great list! So many things I would love to try. I miss horse riding too..I once tried climbing, it was amazing to do it as I'm afraid of heights little bit and even I was in panic when it was time to come down, I'm glad I did it :) Need to try again. And what what, moving to the USA? You're do lucky if you get the green card :)

    1. You should make a list Sini! I'd love to see it on your blog :) Climbing can be really scary, at work a lot of people get too scared to climb all the way to the top, but once they do it a couple of times they usually love it :) And YES I'm so excited to find out if I can move to the States!

  2. So many great things on this list! I hope you get to do as many of them as possible!

  3. I love this post, you beautiful thing you!! So many good, happy, lovely goals! <3

  4. Love your goals. My goal is to relearn how to do a back handspring this year too! I haven't been able to do one since after having kids and I am ready to do one again! You can do it. :)

    1. Angie! Yes! Let's hold each other accountable! We can both do it! :) :) :)

  5. What a great list! And a great idea :) I need to do something like this! I need to be better at blogging too; your blog is so inspiring, Annie!

    1. Aw thanks Maddie!! You should totally write a list too! :)

  6. I would like to tell you that you have given me much knowledge about it. Thanks for everything. Keep Blogging!

    - Jackie of web design

  7. What i great idea! I hope you don't mind, but I'd love to pinch this idea for my blog :)

    Your things to do are awesome! good luck completing them all!

    1. Not at all! Pinch away! :) Thanks heaps! Have fun with your list!
