More photos (if you can believe it) can be found on my Facebook page HERE.

Nazareth was one of my favourite places, and where we spent the majority of our trip. Editing these pictures makes me realise that I can easily document strangers and passing sights, however, I don't have pictures of the people and the stories that went deepest into my heart. I don't know why, and I really do regret it. Thankfully, though, that doesn't change the fact that they will be there forever.

This is Nazareth.

The view from the Mount of Precipice, from Luke 4, where the crowd tried to throw Jesus off after he proclaimed "The Spirit of The Lord is upon me..."
The crazy, colourful, beautiful streets, markets and people.
And this is the village which takes you on an interactive tour, back into Bible times with animals, actors, buildings, etc.


An hour outside of Munich, there is a tiny village called Hurlach, and in that village is the second YWAM base in history, in a 400 year old castle. After the wild and crazy adventure we had in Israel, everything got quiet and still as we debriefed for 6 days in Germany. The sleepy village was surrounded by forests, and the air was cold. We would ride our bikes through the pines, past meadows of wildflowers and cottages with their gardens spilling out of window boxes and picket fences. We explored the creaking, winding staircases and attics, built a campfire every night as the sun went down, and lay in the castle turret at midnight to watch the shooting stars. I felt like I was walking the pages of a storybook, living my childhood fairytale dream. We could breathe again. It was healing to our souls.