Sorry I haven't posted anything in a while. I've been a bit crazed lately. I moved back home, didn't have a desk for a while, started a new job, and have a few shoots to edit and blog eventually, but I thought I'd just say hi and post a photo :) This butterfly was just hanging out on our Christmas tree, looking like an ornament, so I prayed it would stay while I ran to get my camera, and when I got back, it was still there :) I love the red on it's wings. So pretty.


  1. Yay! I'm glad to hear that you got a new job! Is it the rock climbing one or something else?

    I hope life is going well, and that you are getting to take lots of beautiful photos like this one! : ) I miss your beautiful posts!

  2. Thanks Stephanie! I did get the rock climbing job! I'm so happy - I started this week and I LOVE it! :) I"m going climbing tomorrow sometime and will hopefully take my camera and post some pics soon. :)

  3. Congratulations for the new job! :) Wow, rock climbing job! What you exactly do, teaching? That´s amazing. I went once to try climbing in Finland, I have awful fear of falling from high and it was stressing but I made it! :) And it gave me a kick that I would like to do it more often.

  4. I don't know exactly what my job title is, but I show people how to work the rope system and give them the safety demonstration, then I observe and make sure everyone is doing it right and help out when I'm needed. I'm scared of falling too, I don't do well with heights, but I'm pretty used to climbing and knowing the rope will catch me :) You should definitely climb again!

  5. I really like this picture! So exciting for you and your new job! We are in similar seasons! Thank you for your birthday wishes btw. I hope that your's was amazing! We were the same age for a day!

  6. Thanks so much! And you're welcome :) Crazy how we can relate from so far away!
