A little while ago I went for a visit to my old home town of Calliope and did a mini photo shoot with a friend from high school. Zoe and I went to the Botanic Gardens, and let me tell you, if I had to shoot at that location for the rest of my life I would be very happy :)

It was gorgeous! The light, the trees, the water... and Zoe! Isn't she beautiful!?
 Little bro Zac jumped in for a photo - I think it's my favourite too :)
 Love this one! I very ungracefully climbed a tree to get this shot, so I'm so glad it worked out well :)
 Look at the light!


  1. Amazing photos!!!
    Zoe looks really good :)
    <3 Bec

  2. Thanks Bec! Yeah she looks good!!! :) :) :)

  3. Beautiful Annie! The ones against the fence are stunning, and that last one is definitely my favorite. And what a cute little brother! That made me smile!

  4. Thank you Stephanie! That one made me smile too - it's just so sweet!
