Biting the bullet. Swallowing my pride. Conforming. Whatever you want to call it - I am doing it. I am joining facebook. And it's already a struggle. I have NO idea what I am doing but clearly I am doing it wrong because NOTHING is working!

There was a reason why I left facebook... I'm remembering it now...

Anyway, I am going to trial it, see if it helps business, because it is free, and I can reach more people this way.

The reason for this post, besides to vent, is I want to make this image my WELCOME landing page. So if you go to my facebook page, this is what I hope you will open up to.
Unfortunately to do that I need to understand HTML code, which I don't. I just know that the image needs to be saved on the internet somewhere. I'll give this a go.

But YES!!! I am offering one FREE photo shoot per month to facebook fans! (The session must take place in Brisbane.) So spread the word, visit my page, and be leave a comment on your birthday month photo, and I will pick a name out of a hat on the first of that month. If you are the only one to comment... CONGRATULATIONS!!! :) :) :)

Anyway, we'll see if this works...




Okay it works!


  1. lol, it's about time my dear :P
    can't wait to join!!

    much love
    Bec xoxo

  2. Haha! Keep visiting me over here too! :)
