
(Or "biscuits" to my American friends. What we call biscuits, you call cookies. Confusing?)

This is such an easy recipe I thought I'd share. (Also because I haven't posted in a while. Don't worry. I have shoots coming up this and next weekend!)

3 cups of self-raising flour
1 cup of thickened cream
1 cup of lemonade (or Sprite to my American friends)

(These amounts actually make the dough quite wet and sticky, which is not right. You want to be able to handle the dough without it coming off on your fingers, so you can use less wet ingredients or more dry ingredients - whichever you fancy.)

Mix all ingredients together with a knife. Don't knead the dough or your scones will not be fluffy. Flour a work area and slightly flatten the dough. If you don't have cutters you can dip the rim of a drinking glass in flour and use it to cut your scones.

I don't really know what temperature I cook at. Maybe 180°C (356°F)? Then cook until they look a little toasty.

Obviously, I'm not a cook. Or very good at writing recipes. But these are the best scones I've ever tasted! They are a perfect breakfast food. Eat with strawberry jam (American = jelly. I mean really! We both speak English, why can't we just pick one word and that will be what everybody says?) and whipped cream.


Flowers, and the prettiest free Photoshop action EVER!

I found it hereThis action made my day. :)

On the Easter weekend I visited my grandparents in Stanthorpe. My Oma can make anything grow out of nothing, and the house is surrounded by a beautiful flower garden. My camera just couldn't get enough. I was so happy with the way the photos looked straight out of the camera - no editing - but I wanted something different. Unfortunately, no matter how pretty, flower photos are cliche. And I don't like that.

I'm not an overly girly girl either - so a photo of a pretty flower has to be more than just pretty.

So I had some fun today and I really like the result. I am planning on making some prints of these, because I am going to be working with an awesome printing company and I can't wait to see what my work looks like in real life! Well, you know what I mean... :)









Some random information on this post - I noticed while editing that most of my photos "read" right to left. It started to look a little odd after the 200th left-to-right-flower photo, so the OCD in me flipped some of these photos in Photoshop for balance.

Good night! :)

The Wedding - Part 3

Here are the rest! :)

I love the anticipation in this one!

This is John's face as Jade walked in...

Pastor Alex: John, do you take Jade...
John: I do!
Alex: Wait...there's more...
John: Oh...
Jade and the girls' bouquets were all hand-wired (I'm talking each individual orchid and leaf!) by Lisa's (bridesmaid) mother. They were so intricate and beautiful!
Married! :)
Then it was off to the golf course for photos and the reception!
We found a pretty bridge...
...and I'm not ashamed to say I encouraged this! :)
Jade is so adorable :)
Love the boy-band!

Some bling
I think this is my favourite...
Check out the cufflinks!
The scramble to catch the bouquet was unlike anything I've ever seen before. The flowers were ripped to shreds, the maid of honour fell over and took with her a string of pearls that bounced all over the dance floor...
...Jade was outta there!
Things then calmed down for a sweet first dance as Mr and Mrs!
I hope you enjoyed this small glimpse into the wedding as much as I enjoyed photographing it! Thank you to John and Jade for the honour of being a part of your special day! I love you guys!