Something Blue - bracelet

This one is a little different. Everything I've been making so far is very simple and small. So I was in the mood for something a little bigger and a little more fun.

The flower is handmade and the pearls are freshwater. I want to eventually add a strand of clear crystals to the bracelet.

I think I need to photograph models wearing this stuff. Anyone own a white dress? :)

Dos Amigos

On Sunday I had the pleasure of photographing a talented music duo from Brisbane called Dos Amigos. Lauren, Andrew and I had a lot of fun, which was the vibe they wanted in the photos. I've been dying to take someone to El Taco on Blackwood St for a while now - I just love the colours - and I thought it fitting for the Amigos. They agreed. :) Hope you like the photos!

But that was just the outside - the inside was more amazing than I could have imagined!

Then we headed across the road to the train station...

And then to a couple of brick walls...

...and we called it a day. :)

Something Blue - earrings

I love these hoops. There's going to be more of these coming out soon! These ones are amazonite.
I do wonder if I should name my jewellery. Anyone have any ideas? :)

Nue Blue

These little pretties are Peruvian Amazonite. I think I'm starting to like this type of photography. It's a fun challenge coming up with new places to display the jewellery to keep it interesting enough, but not take away from the actual product.



Yes, they are all from the same template, but if you ignore the numbers, and the fact that each photo is scratched in the exact same place, you might appreciate the vintage, story-telling quality that Polaroid film delivers -- the reason why I so badly want a Polaroid camera!

These are from yesterday at the beach. I love the textures.

Also, it's hard to tell, but photo number 8 is a pair of sea slugs. Well, I think they are actually called "nudie branches" - but I don't know why.

Happy Valentine's Day

For everyone who didn't get anything today ;)

One day I'm going to buy myself a Poloaroid camera, but for now, this will do.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Blue Earrings

Any thoughts? Jewellery and photography critique welcome. :) These are sterling silver with synthetic aquamarine.

The beginning of Something Blue...

This piece is a sterling silver figaro chain bracelet with a faceted bead of amazonite hanging from the end. Simple, blue (yes it's blue - if the sea is blue then so is this bead!), and pretty. Well, I think it's pretty. :)

I would appreciate any feedback on this piece, and the photography. I am not very good at photographing my own jewellery, so if anyone has any ideas about that kind of thing please bring on your constructive criticism!

More to come! I'm still waiting on one more lot of silver.

New Blog!

So, what does everyone think?! :)

The talented (and patient :D) Sarah from Reflecting the Designer has been working with me on my blog, logo and business cards, and I quite like it. It's all very exciting for me! :)

I'd love to know what everyone else thinks, so leave comments!

***This photo is from a workshop I did with Take Better Photos on the weekend. Taking photos of drops of water was one of the most fun things I've done in a while! :) Especially with results like this!***

Have a good week everyone!